Sunday, January 29, 2012

How To Increase Your Income - 2

Your financial goals depend on your future needs.  It also depends directly on your 
career / business.  If you are employed, there is a limit to your present salary. Unlike a businessman, you cannot increase your turnover and expect an increase in  your salary.  But there are other ways to do it:

You can learn more and more about your work and make yourself indispensable  to your boss.  This requires a high level of self-discipline on your part. (Let's face it : If your self-discipline were already high, you certainly would have got a raise/promotion by now).  
More about self-discipline in a subsequent post.

Another way is to save a part of your earnings every month for, say, 3 years.  At the end of 3 years, invest this amount in a Fixed deposit.  Ask your Banker to pay monthly/quarterly interest on this Fixed deposit.  You'll then have additional, passive income every month.  Your ultimate goal should be to increase your passive income to such an extent that you can enjoy early retirement!
Life Insurance:   Please look for this in my next post.  

29 01 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How To Increase Your Income - 1

We all love to see that our income grows day by day.  We all love to see our Bank balance go up.  We all love to spend for our family.  But we do not seem to know how to do all these things.  
There is a way.  There is a scientific way to earn more money - a lot more than you are presently earning.  All you have to do is to observe those who became rich - how they got rich; what were the obstacles they had to overcome and  how  they manage their daily lives.  Of course, there are many other traits which they possess - but these three points are important.  All you need to do is to simply follow these three - and you'll see that there is a huge jump in your income.

The very first step for you, then, is setting goals.  Take a sheet of paper and pen.  Write down your goals; classify them  under  financial, health, personal, career, spiritual and any other which you have in mind.  Writing down is necessary.  Because, as the saying goes, "out of sight is out of mind."  If you do not have your written goals, you'll tend to forget them.

We'll start with Financial goals.  I'll explain - in detail - how to go about it in my next post. 
Meanwhile, if you want to start with some other goal and need assistance, respond to this blog.

Good day!